Fail n' Grow

Set the perfect price for your SaaS-tool, by Felix Mörée, Partner at Axholmen

Episode Summary

11:20 > Intro 11:25 > How to Price in SaaS: 4 cornerstones to succeed 45:56 >Outro

Episode Notes

Felix Mörée, is a partner at Axholmen, specialized in pricing for SaaS and tech. Felix has published four books on commercial excellence and has advised >50 companies on marketing, pricing, and sales. 

In this episode we'll cover the four cornerstones to find the perfect pricing level for your SaaS-tool: 

  1. Segmentation: Understand customer needs and willingness-to-pay
  2. Offering design: Design an offering based on feature value and adoption
  3. Price model selection: Choose a price model that benefits both your company and your customers
  4. Price level setting: Leverage proven methods for determining price levels